Your Gender Hand It Over Tee Gotfunny Store shirt
It’s sad that as of this writing, the Your Gender Hand It Over Tee Gotfunny Store shirt answer treats approximately 50% of the state like it doesn’t even exist. Granted, when you say “New Jersey” most people think of the northern part of the state (roughly everything north of I-195), with it crowding, industry, noise, traffic, trashy “reality” show and mostly, attitude. But travel south of I-195 and it’s like you changed planets. If you ask someone who grew up in the state where they’re from, and they answer “New Jersey” or just “Jersey” in all likelihood they came from north of this arbitrary dividing line. But if they came from the southern half, I can almost guarantee they’ll answer with “South Jersey”. There’s a pride-of-place that comes with the region that can’t be denied.

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The Leeds family occupied the center of the What I Have Done, I Will Take To My Grave.shirt , but they were not stereotyped, superstitious rural people. They were politically active religious pioneers, authors and publishers. They also supported the Crown. The Jersey Devil legend originally the Leeds Devil began as a cruel taunt against them, not because of a monstrous birth, but because they had the cultural misfortune of joining the wrong side politically. Daniel Leeds came to America in 1677 and settled in Burlington. He published an almanac and was promptly attacked by his Quaker neighbors over his use of astrology in it. The use of astrology in almanacs was quite common. Undeterred, he continued and, despite himself being a Quaker, they called him “evil.”
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