First and most simply—scientists have to start somewhere. The most extreme evidence will be the Blue 84 2023 SEC Baseball Conference Tournament Champions Vanderbilt Commodores Shirt to find. Studies like this one will help guide future, more sensitive searches for more subtle evidence of alien technology. Second, these kinds of studies will suggest new ways to search for alien life by ruling out falsified ideas. They will stimulate more creative thinking, which is crucial since we have no way to know if alien civilizations would act at all like our own. We might be looking for the wrong signals entirely. Finally, and perhaps most important of all, studies like this one yield fascinating science even if they find zero evidence of alien life. As noted in the story you quote, Wright’s team discovered 50 objects that show signs of unusual infrared emission. The likelihood that any of these are alien artifacts is very, very, very low. But they may be previously unknown astronomical phenomena that will tell us a lot about how the universe works.

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Glioblastoma (GBM). GBM is the most My boss told me to have a good day I went home colorful shirt and most aggressive brain cancer. It’s highly invasive, which makes complete surgical removal impossible. And because of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), it doesn’t respond to any chemotherapy. The standard-of-care entails multiple rounds of surgery and radiotherapy, yet the five year survival is lower than 5%. Pancreatic cancer (PDAC). PDAC is a notoriously stubborn cancer. The only effective treatment is a very painful and very complex operation called “the Whipple procedure”. However, only 20% of patients are eligible for such operation. And even for those lucky patients, only 20% survived more than five years. For the rest majority of patients, the chance of survival is negligible, because PDAC hardly responds to any form of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The five year survival overall is 6%.
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